Courses, Fees, and Policies
Course Fees (per half credit)
GVA Member Courses | Initial Credit $300 | Credit Recovery: $150 |
Non-GVA Member Courses | Initial Credit $350 | Credit Recovery $250 |
Prices are effective on July 1, 2023
Each course represents a half-credit and typically spans the content taught in a traditional semester. Courses must be completed within 3 months of the original start date. Extensions may be requested in writing prior to three (3) weeks before the end date at a cost of $75 per month.
If you withdraw from a course within 14 days of enrollment, you will be issued a refund minus a processing fee of $25. No refund applies after the 14-day period.
If you endure extenuating circumstances during class, please contact a Greenbush Online staff member as soon as reasonably possible. Greenbush will work with the local school to determine if an accommodation can be made.
Course Policies
- Students are responsible for their own learning and contacting teachers when they need assistance.
- Students or school officials are encouraged to establish deadlines that would benefit the student. Greenbush can assist with setting up a daily pacing guide to meet these goals.
- Courses will be graded on a percentage basis.
- Final exams must be proctored by a school official.
- Upon written request, Greenbush will send final grades to the student and/or their school. The school has the final say on granting credit.
Available Courses
A=First Semester; B=Second Semester; Credit Recovery is available for all classes
Basic Math A/B
Pre-Algebra A/B
Algebra I A/B
Algebra II A/B
Financial & Consumer Math A/B
Geometry A/B
Trigonometry A/B
Pre-Calculus A/B
Probability & Statistics A/B
Introduction to Statistics
A=First Semester; B=Second Semester; Credit Recovery is available for all classes.
Biology A/B
Chemistry A/B
Earth Science A/B
Environmental Science A/B
Life Science A/B
Physical Science A/B
Physics A/B
Social Studies
A=First Semester; B=Second Semester; Credit Recovery is available for all classes.
Geography A/B
Economics A/B
Ancient World History A/B
Modern World History A/B
U.S. Government (One Semester)
U.S. History A/B
A=First Semester; B=Second Semester; Credit Recovery is available for all classes.
Spanish I, II, III A/B
Psychology A/B
Sociology A/B
Intro to Business A/B
Intro to Health Science A/B
Foundations of Personal Wellness A/B
Intro to Art (one semester)
Art History (one semester)
Computer Applications (Office) A/B
Physical Education A/B
General Policies
Academic Honesty: Academic honesty is expected. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized prior possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, and securing written approval, or tampering with academic work of other students. Any evidence of academic misconduct may warrant a failing grade, forfeiture of all fees, and an academic misconduct investigation.
If a Greenbush instructor suspects academic misconduct, he or she will inform the program director or their designee within 10 calendar days (excluding breaks) of discovering the evidence of possible misconduct.
If the student is working through a local school district, the district will be responsible for handling the academic dishonesty situation.
Appropriate Use: Access and use of technology for communication and completion of courses through Greenbush imposes certain responsibilities and obligations on the part of the student enrolled in the course. Appropriate use is ethical and honest and demonstrates respect for physical and intellectual property, including system security protocols.
Students, teachers, and other personnel at Greenbush have a right to privacy and are protected by this policy from intimidation, harassment, and unwarranted annoyance from any other user. When enrolling in an online course, students accept the terms of this policy. Any violation of this policy could result in a student’s dismissal from the Greenbush program.
Appeals: Any student who would like to appeal a lesson, test grade, or final grade must notify the course instructor within 30 days (excluding breaks) after the grade has been posted. The instructor will consider the appeal, in consultation with the local online contact and the program director if desired on the part of the instructor, and will inform the student of the outcome of the appeal no later than 30 calendar days (excluding breaks) after the notification from the student. At that point, the decision of the instructor is final.
Student Conduct: Profane, vulgar, or threatening language or actions directed at a teacher, other staff members, or another student will not be tolerated. The student could be removed from the course if such conduct takes place.
Equal Access: The Education Service Center – Greenbush is open to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability (temporary or permanent). Independent learning courses can be adjusted according to a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Contact Greenbush for details.
Language Arts
A=First Semester; B=Second Semester; Credit Recovery is available for all classes.
Language Arts 9 A/B
Language Arts 10 A/B
Language Arts 11 A/B
Language Arts 12 A/B
Intro to Communications & Speech A/B
Expository Reading & Writing A/B