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Perkins Consortium

Perkins V Grant Specifics

Kansas school districts providing approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and pathways are eligible for federal funding administered by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) through the newly reauthorized Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act signed in July 2018. Also known as Perkins V, the Act targets the improvement of approved CTE programs/pathways.  

Districts whose state Perkins allocations are less than $15,000 annually are required to participate in the grant program through a consortium. The Greenbush Perkins Consortium consolidates participating districts’ federal Perkins funds and re-distributes the funds to the member districts based on federal law, KSDE’s guidance, and an Annual Plan developed by the Consortium’s Advisory Committee and Executive Committee.

Perkins Consortium Forms/Resources