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Precision Concrete Cutting Midwest


We make sidewalks safe. Our patented process makes ADA Compliant sidewalks, eliminates fall and Trip Hazards, and saves you money. Our surveying and Sidewalk Repair Service is trusted by thousands of clients in the United States and Canada. We use proprietary technology and latest equipment to Survey and Repair Sidewalk, for a fraction of the cost of sidewalk replacement. We can easily provide the service and data that others can’t.

Contract Information

Cooperative NameGreenbush
Contract NameTrip Hazard/Sidewalk Repair Services
Contract Term03/28/2022 - 02/28/2026
Extension DetailsContract and extensions possible through February 2026.
CategoriesMaintenance, Repair & Operation
Trip Hazard/Sidewalk Repair Services

Supplier Information
Email[email protected]
Phone(913) 851-2004
Address13725 Metcalf Ave #324
Overland Park, KS 66213